Retractable Banner Design Ideas
The popularity of retractable banners for business promotion is easily explained. They attract attention every person who passes by and are distinguished by portability. As a result, brand awareness increases. When the banner has completed its task, it can be replaced with another one, spending a minimum of effort on it.
What to consider when developing a design?
In order for a retractable banner to perform its functions, it is important to take into account the advice of professionals on its design. The following are the basic rules of image decorating, which you should definitely pay attention to:
- Its impact on a person will depend on what is written on the banner. Therefore, first you need to make an interesting text for the audience. The purpose of what is written should be presented in a simple form. Be sure to use a call to action at the end.
- It is important to use a large, attention-grabbing font. The easiest to read are: Helvetica, PT Sans, Georgia.
- According to psychologists, the information on the sign will only be perceived by the human brain by at least 65% if there is a connection between the image and the text. Therefore, the pictures should not only be attractive, but also informative to the maximum.
- Don’t forget about the psychology of color. Bright shades are more memorable and affect the subconscious. It is worth considering the gender factor. Researches have shown that the increase in the activity of men and women is influenced by different color solutions.
- The background should not be too contrasting, otherwise the details will become less noticeable.
- Banner advertising does not involve the use of large text. A few sentences calling for action will be quite enough.
Regardless of the banner’s goals, priorities should be taken into account in the placement of such elements as the company logo, the main idea and an effective call to action.
Features of the text message design
An important condition for a successful design is the use of concise text. The fewer words are used, it is the better. Otherwise, people walking by will not delve into the text overloaded with information.
The main purpose of the message is to gain the trust of the client. It can be done by evoking positive emotions about a certain event, product or service. You also need to prove that the company fulfills these promises. It is necessary to establish a connection with a potential client.
What kind of image is better to use
Often a spectacular image causes a potential client to have the most vivid response compared to the text written on the banner. The pictures should be surrounded by a sufficient amount of unfilled space. Otherwise, they will confuse the viewer and prevent him from focusing on the main thing.
The images used on the banner must have a high resolution. It is advisable to place professional photos on the advertising medium. If this is not provided for by the customer’s budget, you need to convince that the image resolution is at least 300 dpi – 600 dpi. First you should make sure that the image looks good on the display. Click on it and the resolution values will appear.
It is important to keep in mind that the color solutions on the computer screen may not coincide at all with those that will be printed on advertising products. Before we start making a banner, we always provide the customer with a layout that gives a complete idea of how the finished version will look.
Call to action
One of the important elements of any retractable banner design is a call to action. This is a kind of effect of persuading a potential customer to use a service or product. For example:
- Notification of current discounts.
- A call to visit the company’s website or social media page.
- Offer to contact the official representative of the brand for detailed information about the product.
The above examples will help to encourage the client to take the first step. Calls to action should be made in an accessible form. It is advisable to use a minimum number of words. However, each of them must be convincing.
How to bring ideas to life?
If you want the banner to bring maximum benefit, choose the original layout. When creating it, you need to take into account the goals of business development. A designer should be able to imagine what a potential client will feel when looking at an advertising medium. It is necessary to create a special mood for him, encouraging him to use the product.
The main elements should be placed in priority order:
- the name of the product/service /event;
- the main image on which the emphasis is placed;
- call to action;
- unusual details describing the product.
In order not to make a mistake in choosing the right design, you need to experiment with color solutions, frames, graphic elements and fonts.
It is also important to use the appropriate size of digital versions. Pruning should be done evenly. If this advice is ignored, the image may not fit in the limited space of the banner. You may also find that the text is poorly readable due to the fact that it is placed too concisely. In this case, the message should be enlarged: all the information on the banner should be accessible to perception.
Where to get ideas?
If you need a well-designed retractable banner, please contact us. Our designers have the necessary experience in creating effective advertising media. They will help you set up the perfect option that will be the best assistant in promoting your business.
Many interesting ideas are posted on specialized platforms. There you can pick up templates and design ideas for text messages. A good design includes well-chosen images and text that are perceived not only on a conscious, but also on an unconscious level.
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